My Face Verification keeps failing during MFA setup, what should i do?

Oluwabunmi Ogunyemi
Oluwabunmi Ogunyemi

Face Verification might fail for a few reasons:

  1. Poor Lighting Conditions:
    • Issue: The lighting may not be sufficient for accurate face recognition.
    • Solution: Move to a well-lit area, ensure your face is clearly visible, and try again.
  2. Internal Enrollment Service Issue:
    • Issue: There might be a temporary problem with our enrollment service.
    • Solution: If this happens, please contact our support team and provide your information. We’ll escalate the issue to our Product Team for quick resolution.
  3. Liveness Test Failure:
    • Issue: There could be an issue with our Face Verification provider (e.g., Smile ID).
    • Solution: If you encounter this issue, please contact our support team with your details. We’ll escalate it to our Product Team for immediate investigation.

In any of these cases, if you experience difficulties, please reach out to our support team for assistance.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions or require additional information.

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