How can I set up a Savings Account on Moniepoint

Moniepoint Support
Moniepoint Support

To create a Savings plan on Moniepoint:

  1. Log in to your Moniepoint account via the app.
  2. Tap the savings icon in the lower right corner of the screen.
  3. Select your preferred savings plan from the options available: Flex Savings, Monielock, or Fixed Deposit. Each plan has a brief description.
  4. Choose the most suitable plan and click "Start Saving."
  5. Enter your savings details and proceed by clicking "Next."
  6. Review the summary of your savings information and agree to the terms and conditions. Click "Create Plan."
  7. Optionally, you can edit your savings plan before finalizing.

Note: Flex Savings and Monielock plans comply with halal standards, and you have the option to opt-out of earning interest.

This simple process enables you to set up your Savings plan conveniently on the Moniepoint app.

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