How to use the referral code during sign up

Demilade Egbowon
Demilade Egbowon

A Personal Banking customer can input a referral code during the sign-up process on the Moniepoint Personal Banking App by following these steps:

  • Download the Moniepoint Personal Banking application from the Google Play Store or the Apple Appstore.
  • Launch the application.
  • Click on “Sign Up”.
  • Input their email address and phone number.
  • Enter the referral code shared by the BO or BRM. Note that the referral code is optional, and sign-up can proceed without it.

The application will validate the referral code. A green message confirms a valid code, while an error message indicates an invalid one.
After successful code validation, the user can supply additional necessary information to complete the sign-up process.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions or require additional information.

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