I am a BRM, I can't access my official Moniepoint email address. Please help!

Demilade Egbowon
Demilade Egbowon
  • Updated

Kindly follow the steps below to raise a ticket on Zendesk for this to be treated: 

  1. Click here to raise a ticket.
  2. Sign up and create an account.
  3. Under “Nature of Moniepoint Enquiry”, click on the drop-down,  and select “BRM request
  4. Under “Nature of BRM request”, select the right category
  5. Enter the description of the issue in the description box and attach an image of the error you are getting when trying to access your official Moniepoint email address.
  6. Click on “submit” and wait for feedback on the ticket raised.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions or require additional information.

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