Why don't I receive the OTPs sent to me from Moniepoint.

Demilade Egbowon
Demilade Egbowon
  • Updated

If you are not receiving the OTPs sent to your phone number, it could be due to the following reasons.

  1. The phone number you are checking is not the one registered to your Moniepoint account.
  2. The SMS space on your phone is at capacity and you will need to free up some space before you can receive any more SMSs.
  3. There was an error in the phone number registered to your Moniepoint account during onboarding.
  4. Delayed delivery of SMS. 
  5. There is a configuration from your network service provider and you might need to reach out to them in order to get this resolved. 

Kindly note that you can always request for the phone number registered to your Moniepoint account to be changed, click on the link below to see how:

Change of Information linked to my Moniepoint account.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions or require additional information.

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