How do I get a Moniepoint card?

David Osho
David Osho
  • Updated

To request a Moniepoint card, follow the steps below:

  1. Download and create an account on the Moniepoint app.
  2. Navigate to the cards section of the app, click the + icon, and select “New Card Request.”
  3. Select the card type you wish to have, either a physical or virtual card, and click the icon below to proceed.
  4. Select how you wish to collect your card: “Deliver Card to Me” or “Collect Card from Sales Agent.”
  5. For the “Deliver card to me” option, ensure to fill in the details requested: delivery address, nearest area to you, phone number, and alternate phone number.

Please note that this option costs 2000 naira, 1000 naira for the card, and 1000 naira for delivery

  1. Choose a delivery date and time that would be suitable for you to receive your card from the logistics partner.
  2. Input a name you would like for your card; please note that Moniepoint cards do not carry names on them; this name will be seen on the app and not on the card.
  3. Once all details have been inputted, move on to the payment section.
  4. Once payment has been made, the logistics partner’s details will be seen on the app, and you can contact them to request an update on the delivery of your card.
  5. For the “Collect card from Sales Agent” option, enter the sales agent’s account number and proceed to the next section. A code will then be generated, and once it is confirmed, the card can then be activated.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions or require additional information.

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