What are the different transaction limit for each KYC level on Moniepoint personal account ?

Demilade Egbowon
Demilade Egbowon
  • Updated

Transaction Limits for Each KYC Level for Moneipoint Personal account is;

Level 1:                                                                        

Single debit limit: ₦50,000.00                        
Daily debit limit: ₦300,000.00
Single credit limit: ₦50,000.00
Daily credit limit: ₦300,000.00

Level 2:

Single debit limit: ₦100,000.00
Daily debit limit: ₦500,000.00
Single credit limit: ₦100,000.00
Daily credit limit: ₦500,000.00

Level 3:

Single debit limit: ₦5,000,000.00
Daily debit limit: ₦5,000,000.00
Single credit limit: Unlimited
Daily credit limit: Unlimited

Note: Transaction limits vary for each KYC level, enabling increased capabilities. 

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions or require additional information.

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