How do I withdraw my savings?

Moniepoint Support
Moniepoint Support
  • Updated

To withdraw from your Flexible Savings, Monielock, or Fixed Deposit plans, follow these steps:

  1. Access your Moniepoint account dashboard.
  2. Navigate to the section displaying your savings plans.
  3. Select the specific plan from which you wish to make a withdrawal.
  4. Click on the "Withdraw" button
  5. Enter the desired withdrawal amount.
  6. If the amount is within the available balance, the withdrawal proceeds.
    If it exceeds the available balance, an "Insufficient Funds" error is displayed.
  7. Confirm the withdrawal details and submit the request.
  8. The withdrawal process is initiated and the amount requested is deducted from your savings and added to your Moniepoint account balance.
  9. Receive a confirmation message or notification for the successful withdrawal

Kindly note, that for Monielock or Fixed Deposit, breaking the plan requires moving all funds; partial withdrawals prompt users to move all funds and start a new plan if needed.

Also note, upon maturity of the plan a saver would have 5 days to withdraw saved funds before the funds are automatically rolled over.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions or require additional information.

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