How do I know which savings plan suites me best

Moniepoint UK
Moniepoint UK

We offer three distinct savings plans: Flex Savings, Monielock Savings, and Fixed Deposit Savings

Flex Savings:

  • Allows flexibility for fund withdrawal without penalties.
  • Offers a 9% flat interest rate per annum, calculated daily and paid monthly.
  • Halal compliant with an option to opt out of interest while creating the plan.

Monielock Savings:

  • Restricts access until the agreed maturity date; breaking the plan results in the loss of accrued interest.
  • Offers a 16% interest rate per annum.
  • Halal compliant, providing an opt-out option for interest during setup.

Fixed Deposit Savings:

  • Ideal for lump sum deposits with an option for renewal upon maturity.
  • Interest paid upfront; breaking the contract results in the loss of all accrued interest.
  • Offers up to a 16% interest rate per annum.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions or require additional information.


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